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There are 7 words beginning with RUDIMEN

RUDIMENTrudiment n. (Often in the plural) A fundamental principle or skill, especially in a field of learning.
rudiment n. (Often in the plural) A form that lacks full or complex development.
rudiment n. (Biology) A body part that no longer has a function.
RUDIMENTSrudiments n. Plural of rudiment.
RUDIMENT n. a basic principle or element.
RUDIMENTALrudimental adj. (Uncommon) Rudimentary.
RUDIMENTAL adj. rudimentary, also RUDIMENTARY.
RUDIMENTARYrudimentary adj. Of or relating to one or more rudiments.
rudimentary adj. Basic; minimal; with less than, or only the minimum, necessary.
rudimentary n. (Zoology, usually in the plural) One of the rudimentary mammae of boars.
RUDIMENTALLYrudimentally adv. (Rare) In a rudimental way; involving only the rudiments or basics of something.
RUDIMENTAL adv. rudimentary, also RUDIMENTARY.
RUDIMENTARILYrudimentarily adv. In a rudimentary fashion.
RUDIMENTARY adv. arrested at an early stage of development, also RUDIMENTAL.
RUDIMENTARINESSrudimentariness n. The quality of being rudimentary.
RUDIMENTARINESS n. the state of being rudimentary.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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