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There are 14 words beginning with RESIDEN

RESIDENTresident n. A person, animal or plant living at a certain location or in a certain area.
resident n. A bird which does not migrate during the course of the year.
resident n. A physician receiving specialized medical training.
RESIDENCEresidence n. The place where one lives (resides); one’s home.
residence n. A building or portion thereof used as a home, such as a house#Noun or an apartment#Noun therein.
residence n. The place where a corporation is established.
RESIDENCYresidency n. The condition of being a resident of a particular place.
residency n. The home or residence of a person, especially in the colonies.
residency n. (US, healthcare) The position or term of a medical resident.
RESIDENTSresidents n. Plural of resident.
RESIDENT n. one who resides.
RESIDENCESresidences n. Plural of residence.
RESIDENCE n. a place where one lives, also RESIANCE, RESIDENCY.
RESIDENTERresidenter n. Obsolete form of resident.
RESIDENTER n. (Scots) an inhabitant.
RESIDENCIESresidencies n. Plural of residency.
RESIDENCY n. the official abode of a resident or governor of a protected state, also RESIANCE, RESIDENCE.
RESIDENTERSresidenters n. Plural of residenter.
RESIDENTER n. (Scots) an inhabitant.
RESIDENTIALresidential adj. Of or pertaining to a place of personal residence or to a location for such places.
residential adj. Used as a residence or by residents.
residential adj. Of or pertaining to residency.
RESIDENTIARYresidentiary adj. Of, pertaining to, or having residence, especially official residence.
residentiary n. A canon who has an official residence.
RESIDENTIARY n. an inhabitant; a person bound to reside, such as a canon.
RESIDENTSHIPresidentship n. The condition of being a resident.
residentship n. The length of a residency.
RESIDENTSHIP n. the state of being a resident.
RESIDENTIALLYresidentially adv. In a residential manner.
RESIDENTIAL adv. used as a residence or by residents.
RESIDENTSHIPSresidentships n. Plural of residentship.
RESIDENTSHIP n. the state of being a resident.
RESIDENTIARIESresidentiaries n. Plural of residentiary.
RESIDENTIARY n. an inhabitant; a person bound to reside, such as a canon.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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