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There are 10 words beginning with RANCHER

RANCHERrancher n. A person who operates a ranch.
rancher n. (US, real estate) A ranch-style house, a ranchhouse.
RANCHER n. one that owns or works on a ranch.
RANCHERAranchera n. (Music) A traditional Mexican song performed solo with a guitar.
ranchera n. A female ranch or rancho owner.
ranchera n. A female ranch or rancho worker.
RANCHERASrancheras n. Plural of ranchera.
RANCHERA n. (Spanish) a type of Mexican country music.
RANCHERIArancheria n. A small settlement in the Americas, especially of Native Americans.
rancheria n. (Philippines, historical) A political division of the native tribes.
RANCHERIA n. (Spanish) in Spanish America and the western US, a collection of Indian huts; a place or house where a number of rancheros live.
RANCHERIASrancherias n. Plural of rancheria.
RANCHERIA n. (Spanish) in Spanish America and the western US, a collection of Indian huts; a place or house where a number of rancheros live.
RANCHERIErancherie n. (Canada) A First Nations residential area within an Indian reserve in British Columbia.
RANCHERIE n. a Canadian Indian village or settlement, esp. on a reserve.
RANCHERIESrancheries n. Plural of rancherie.
RANCHERIE n. a Canadian Indian village or settlement, esp. on a reserve.
RANCHEROranchero n. (US, or of Mexico) a ranch or rancho worker.
ranchero n. (US, or of Mexico) A ranch or rancho owner.
RANCHERO n. (Spanish) in Mexico and the southwestern US, a rancher.
RANCHEROSrancheros n. Plural of ranchero.
RANCHERO n. (Spanish) in Mexico and the southwestern US, a rancher.
RANCHERSranchers n. Plural of rancher.
RANCHER n. one that owns or works on a ranch.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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