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There are 10 words beginning with RADIOM

RADIOMANradioman n. A person who operates a radio transceiver, especially when a title or position in a crew.
RADIOMAN n. a radio operator or technician.
RADIOMENradiomen n. Plural of radioman.
RADIOMAN n. a radio operator or technician.
RADIOMETERradiometer n. A device that measures radiant energy.
RADIOMETER n. an instrument measuring radiation energy.
RADIOMETRYradiometry n. (Physics) The branch of science that deals with the detection and measurement of radiant electromagnetic energy.
RADIOMETRY n. the measurement of radiant energy.
RADIOMETERSradiometers n. Plural of radiometer.
RADIOMETER n. an instrument measuring radiation energy.
RADIOMETRICradiometric adj. Referring to the science of radiometry.
RADIOMETRIC adj. relating to radiometry, the measurement of radiant energy.
RADIOMETRIESradiometries n. Plural of radiometry.
RADIOMETRY n. the measurement of radiant energy.
RADIOMIMETICradiomimetic adj. (Biology) Having a biological effect similar to that of radiation.
radiomimetic n. (Medicine) A radiomimetic drug.
RADIOMIMETIC adj. producing effects similar to those of radiation.
RADIOMETRICALLYradiometrically adv. By means of radiometry.
RADIOMETRIC adv. relating to radiometry, the measurement of radiant energy.
RADIOMICROMETERradiomicrometer n. A device used to measure small changes in radiant heat, or in temperature.
RADIOMICROMETER n. an instrument for detecting and measuring small amounts of radiation, usually by a sensitive thermocouple.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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