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There are 11 words beginning with ROSTE

ROSTEDROST v. (obsolete) to roast.
ROSTERroster n. A list of individuals or groups, usually for an organization of some kind such as military officers…
roster n. A list of the jobs to be done by members of an organization and often with the date/time that they are…
roster n. A schedule or timetable setting out shift times and dates for each employee of a business.
ROSTERSrosters n. Plural of roster.
rosters v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of roster.
ROSTER v. to put on a list of duties.
ROSTELLArostella n. Plural of rostellum.
ROSTELLUM n. (Latin) the protruding forepart of the head of a tapeworm, armed with hooklets or spines.
ROSTEREDrostered v. Simple past tense and past participle of roster.
ROSTER v. to put on a list of duties.
ROSTELLARrostellar adj. Pertaining to a rostellum.
ROSTELLAR adj. pertaining to a rostellum, a small beaklike process or extension of some part.
ROSTELLUMrostellum n. A small beak-like process or extension; a small rostrum.
rostellum n. (Botany) A projecting part of the column in the flower of an orchid that separates the male stamen from…
rostellum n. (Biology) A retractable protruding part at the anterior end of a soft-bodied tapeworm; the scolex from…
ROSTERINGrostering v. Present participle of roster.
rostering n. The process of forming a roster.
ROSTERING n. the act of rostering.
ROSTELLATErostellate adj. Having a rostellum, or small beak; terminating in a beak.
ROSTELLATE adj. having a rostellum, or small beak; terminating in a beak.
ROSTELLUMSrostellums n. Plural of rostellum.
ROSTELLUM n. (Latin) the protruding forepart of the head of a tapeworm, armed with hooklets or spines.
ROSTERINGSrosterings n. Plural of rostering.
ROSTERING n. the act of rostering.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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