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There are 17 words beginning with RESIG

RESIGNresign v. (Transitive) To give up; to relinquish ownership of.
resign v. (Transitive) To hand over (something to someone), place into the care or control of another.
resign v. (Transitive or intransitive) To quit (a job or position).
RESIGHTresight v. To sight, to see, to look at again.
RESIGHT v. to sight again.
RESIGNSresigns v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of resign.
re-signs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of re-sign.
RESIGN v. to give up an office or position.
RESIGHTSresights v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of resight.
RESIGHT v. to sight again.
RESIGNEDresigned adj. Characterized by resignation or acceptance.
resigned v. Simple past tense and past participle of resign.
re-signed v. Simple past tense and past participle of re-sign.
RESIGNERresigner n. Someone who resigns.
RESIGNER n. one who resigns.
RESIGHTEDresighted v. Simple past tense and past participle of resight.
RESIGHT v. to sight again.
RESIGNERSresigners n. Plural of resigner.
RESIGNER n. one who resigns.
RESIGNINGresigning v. Present participle of resign.
re-signing v. Present participle of re-sign.
RESIGN v. to give up an office or position.
RESIGHTINGresighting v. Present participle of resight.
resighting n. A second or subsequent sighting.
RESIGHT v. to sight again.
RESIGNEDLYresignedly adv. With resignation and acceptance; in a resigned manner.
RESIGNED adv. RESIGN, to give up an office or position.
RESIGNMENTresignment n. Resignation.
RESIGNMENT n. the act of resigning.
RESIGNATIONresignation n. The act of resigning.
resignation n. A written or oral declaration that one resigns.
resignation n. An uncomplaining acceptance of something undesirable but unavoidable.
RESIGNMENTSresignments n. Plural of resignment.
RESIGNMENT n. the act of resigning.
RESIGNATIONSresignations n. Plural of resignation.
RESIGNATION n. an act or instance of resigning something.
RESIGNEDNESSresignedness n. The state or condition of being resigned (passively accepting a situation).
RESIGNEDNESS n. the state of being resigned.
RESIGNEDNESSESRESIGNEDNESS n. the state of being resigned.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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