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There are 16 words beginning with RECES

RECESSrecess n. (Archaic) A withdrawing or retiring; a moving back.
recess n. A place of retirement, retreat, secrecy, or seclusion.
recess n. A small space created by building part of a wall further back from the rest.
RECESSEDrecessed adj. Set back; located in a hole, space, or opening.
recessed adj. Withdrawn; secluded.
recessed adj. Having a recess or nook.
RECESSESrecesses n. Plural of recess.
recesses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of recess.
RECESS v. to place in a hollow.
RECESSINGrecessing v. Present participle of recess.
RECESS v. to place in a hollow.
RECESSIONrecession n. The act or an instance of receding or withdrawing.
recession n. A period of low temperatures that causes a reduction in species; ice age.
recession n. (Economics) A period of reduced economic activity.
RECESSIONALrecessional adj. Of or relating to recession or withdrawal, particularly at the end of a religious service or wedding.
recessional n. Music played during a church recession.
RECESSIONAL n. a hymn or musical piece at the conclusion of a service or program.
RECESSIONALSrecessionals n. Plural of recessional.
RECESSIONAL n. a hymn or musical piece at the conclusion of a service or program.
RECESSIONARYrecessionary adj. Of or relating to a recession.
RECESSIONARY adj. relating to recession.
RECESSIONISTArecessionista n. (Informal) Someone who can dress stylishly on a tight budget.
RECESSIONISTA n. a person whose clothes, whether cheap, secondhand, or suitably subdued, are considered appropriate to an economic downturn.
RECESSIONISTASrecessionistas n. Plural of recessionista.
RECESSIONISTA n. a person whose clothes, whether cheap, secondhand, or suitably subdued, are considered appropriate to an economic downturn.
RECESSIONSrecessions n. Plural of recession.
RECESSION n. a temporary decline in a country's trade.
RECESSIVErecessive adj. Going back; receding.
recessive adj. (Genetics) Able to be masked by a dominant allele or trait.
recessive adj. (By extension) Not dominant; whose effect is masked by stronger effects.
RECESSIVELYrecessively adv. In a recessive fashion.
RECESSIVE adv. tending to receive.
RECESSIVENESSrecessiveness n. The property of being recessive.
RECESSIVENESS n. the state of being recessive.
RECESSIVENESSESRECESSIVENESS n. the state of being recessive.
RECESSIVESrecessives n. Plural of recessive.
RECESSIVE n. a recessive gene.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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