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There are 14 words beginning with RAVEN

RAVENraven n. (Countable) Any of several, generally large and lustrous black species of birds in the genus Corvus…
raven n. A jet-black colour.
raven adj. Of the color of the raven; jet-black.
RAVENSravens n. Plural of raven.
RAVEN v. to prey upon.
RAVENEDravened v. Simple past tense and past participle of raven.
RAVEN v. to prey upon.
RAVENERravener n. (Obsolete) One who, or that which, ravens or plunders.
ravener n. (Obsolete) A bird of prey.
RAVENER n. one who, or that which, ravens or plunders.
RAVENERSraveners n. Plural of ravener.
RAVENER n. one who, or that which, ravens or plunders.
RAVENESTravenest v. (Archaic) second-person singular simple present form of raven.
RAVEN adj. of a black colour.
RAVENINGravening adj. Voracious and greedy.
ravening adj. (Archaic) Subject to the voracity of a predator.
ravening n. (Archaic, literary) Predation (by an animal); voracious eating or consumption.
RAVENOUSravenous adj. Very hungry.
ravenous adj. Grasping; characterized by strong desires.
RAVENOUS adj. extremely hungry.
RAVENINGSravenings n. Plural of ravening.
RAVENING n. the act of ravening.
RAVENLIKEravenlike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a raven.
RAVENLIKE adj. like a raven.
RAVENINGLYraveningly adv. In a ravening manner; voraciously.
RAVENING adv. preying upon.
RAVENOUSLYravenously adv. In a ravenous manner; voraciously.
RAVENOUS adv. extremely hungry.
RAVENOUSNESSravenousness n. Quality of being ravenous.
RAVENOUSNESS n. the state of being ravenous.
RAVENOUSNESSESRAVENOUSNESS n. the state of being ravenous.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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