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There are 10 eight-letter words beginning with RADIA

RADIABLEradiable adj. Transparent to radiant energy, especially X-rays. Capable of being penetrated and examined by rays or waves.
RADIABLE adj. capable of radiating.
RADIALIAradialia n. Plural of radiale.
RADIALE n. (Latin) a wrist-bone of the carpus.
RADIALLYradially adv. In a radial manner, outward from a center.
RADIAL adv. having rays or spokes diverging from the centre.
RADIANCEradiance n. The quality of being radiant, shining, bright or splendid.
radiance n. (Physics) The flux of radiation emitted per unit solid angle in a given direction by a unit area of a source.
RADIANCE n. the quality of being radiant, also RADIANCY.
RADIANCYradiancy n. The property of being radiant; radiance.
radiancy n. (Physics) The amount of energy emitted, flux.
RADIANCY n. the quality of being radiant, also RADIANCE.
RADIANTSradiants n. Plural of radiant.
RADIANT n. a straight line from a point about which it is conceived to revolve.
RADIATASRADIATA n. an originally Californian variety of pine tree, now grown esp. in New Zealand for timber.
RADIATEDradiated v. Simple past tense and past participle of radiate.
radiated adj. (Botany) Synonym of radiate.
RADIATE v. to emit rays.
RADIATESradiates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of radiate.
RADIATE v. to emit rays.
RADIATORradiator n. Anything which radiates or emits rays.
radiator n. (Automotive) A device that lowers engine coolant temperature by conducting heat to the air, through metal fins.
radiator n. (Of buildings) A finned metal fixture that carries hot water or steam in order to heat a room.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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