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There are 17 words beginning with RUNN

RUNNYrunny adj. Fluid; capable of flowing.
runny adj. Liable to run or drip.
RUNNY adj. inclined to run or liquefy.
RUNNELrunnel n. A small stream, a rivulet.
runnel v. To create channels for directing the flow of liquid.
RUNNEL n. a little brook, also RUNLET.
RUNNERrunner n. Agent noun of run; one who runs.
runner n. (Slang, usually in the phrase ’do a runner’) A quick escape away from a scene.
runner n. One who runs away; a deserter or escapee.
RUNNETrunnet n. Alternative form of rennet.
RUNNET n. (dialect) rennet.
RUNNELSrunnels n. Plural of runnel.
Runnels prop.n. A surname.
RUNNEL n. a little brook, also RUNLET.
RUNNERSrunners n. Plural of runner.
runners n. (Canada, Australia, Ireland) running shoes, sneakers, trainers.
Runners prop.n. Plural of Runner.
RUNNETSrunnets n. Plural of runnet.
RUNNET n. (dialect) rennet.
RUNNIERrunnier adj. Comparative form of runny: more runny.
RUNNY adj. inclined to run or liquefy.
RUNNINGrunning v. Present participle of run.
running adj. Moving or advancing at a run.
running adj. Present, current.
RUNNIONrunnion n. Alternative form of ronion.
Runnion prop.n. A surname.
RUNNION n. (Shakespeare) a mangy or scabby creature, also RONION, RONYON.
RUNNABLErunnable adj. (Computing) Capable of being run.
runnable adj. (Of a watercourse) That can be navigated by boat.
RUNNABLE adj. fit for hunting.
RUNNIESTrunniest adj. Superlative form of runny: most runny.
RUNNY adj. inclined to run or liquefy.
RUNNINGSrunnings n. Plural of running.
Runnings prop.n. Plural of Running.
RUNNING n. a race.
RUNNIONSrunnions n. Plural of runnion.
Runnions prop.n. Plural of Runnion.
RUNNION n. (Shakespeare) a mangy or scabby creature, also RONION, RONYON.
RUNNINESSrunniness n. The state or characteristic of being runny or free-flowing.
RUNNINESS n. the state of being runny.
RUNNINGLYrunningly adv. In a running manner; so as to run.
RUNNING adv. flowing.
RUNNINESSESRUNNINESS n. the state of being runny.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 221 words
  • Scrabble in French: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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