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There are 13 words beginning with RUDE

RUDErude adj. Lacking in refinement or civility; bad-mannered; discourteous.
rude adj. Lacking refinement or skill; untaught; ignorant; raw.
rude adj. Violent; abrupt; turbulent.
RUDERruder adj. Comparative form of rude: more rude.
RUDE adj. boorish.
RUDESRUDE n. a rude boy, also RUDESBY, RUDIE.
RUDELYrudely adv. In a rude manner.
RUDE adv. boorish.
RUDERYrudery n. (Countable and uncountable) Crudeness; the use of crude language.
RUDERY n. (colloquial) rudeness.
RUDESTrudest adj. Superlative form of rude: most rude.
RUDE adj. boorish.
RUDERALruderal n. (Botany) Any plant growing in rubbish or very poor soil.
ruderal n. (Botany) A plant tending to volunteer in disturbed soil.
ruderal adj. (Botany) That grows in rubbish or poor soil.
RUDESBYrudesby n. (Archaic) A rude person.
RUDESBY n. (Shakespeare) an uncivil, turbulent fellow.
RUDENESSrudeness n. The property of being rude.
rudeness n. A rude remark or behaviour.
RUDENESS n. the quality of being rude.
RUDERALSruderals n. Plural of ruderal.
RUDERAL n. a plant growing in poor land.
RUDERIESruderies n. Plural of rudery.
RUDERY n. (colloquial) rudeness.
RUDESBIESrudesbies n. Plural of rudesby.
RUDESBY n. (Shakespeare) an uncivil, turbulent fellow.
RUDENESSESrudenesses n. Plural of rudeness.
RUDENESS n. the quality of being rude.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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