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There are 20 words beginning with RAPI

RAPIDrapid adj. Very swift or quick.
rapid adj. Steep, changing altitude quickly. (of a slope)
rapid adj. Needing only a brief exposure time. (Of a lens, plate, film, etc.)
RAPIDERrapider adj. Comparative form of rapid: more rapid.
RAPID adj. quick.
RAPIDESTrapidest adj. Superlative form of rapid: most rapid.
RAPID adj. quick.
RAPIDITIESrapidities n. Plural of rapidity.
RAPIDITY n. the state of being rapid.
RAPIDITYrapidity n. Speed, swiftness; the condition of being rapid.
rapidity n. (Physics) A measure of velocity relative to the speed of light.
rapidity n. (Physics) A measure of the velocity of a particle in a beam relative to the beam’s axis.
RAPIDLYrapidly adv. With speed; in a rapid manner.
RAPID adv. quick.
RAPIDNESSrapidness n. The characteristic of being rapid.
RAPIDNESS n. rapidity.
RAPIDSrapids n. Plural of rapid.
RAPIDS prop.n. (Military, US) Acronym of Real-Time Automated Personnel Identification System.
RAPID n. a swift-flowing part of a river.
RAPIERrapier n. A slender, straight, sharply pointed sword (double-edged, single-edged or edgeless).
rapier adj. Extremely sharp.
rapier adj. Cutting; employing keen wit.
RAPIEREDrapiered adj. Wearing a rapier.
RAPIERED adj. having a rapier.
RAPIERLIKErapierlike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a rapier; sharp, piercing.
RAPIERLIKE adj. like a rapier.
RAPIERSrapiers n. Plural of rapier.
Rapiers prop.n. Plural of Rapier.
RAPIER n. a long, slender sword, designed esp. for thrusting.
RAPINErapine n. The seizure of someone’s property by force; pillage, plunder.
rapine v. (Transitive) To plunder.
RAPINE n. the taking of property by force.
RAPINESrapines v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of rapine.
RAPINE n. the taking of property by force.
RAPINGraping v. Present participle of rape.
raping n. Rape (sexual violation).
raping n. Misspelling of rapping.
RAPINIrapini n. A vegetable native to China, Brassica rapa subsp. ruvo, with green spiky leaves and a bitter taste.
RAPINI n. (Italian) immature turnip plants, also RAPPINI.
RAPINISRAPINI n. (Italian) immature turnip plants, also RAPPINI.
RAPISTrapist n. A person who has committed rape.
RAPIST n. one who commits rape.
RAPISTSrapists n. Plural of rapist.
RAPIST n. one who commits rape.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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