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There are 7 words beginning with RANU

RANULAranula n. (Pathology) A tumor or swelling located in the floor of the mouth under the tongue; specifically a bluish…
RANULA n. (Latin) a cyst formed under the tongue.
RANULARranular adj. Relating to a ranula.
RANULAR adj. relating to a ranula, a cyst on the lower surface of the tongue.
RANULASranulas n. Plural of ranula.
RANULA n. (Latin) a cyst formed under the tongue.
RANUNCULACEOUSranunculaceous adj. (Botany) Of or pertaining to buttercups.
RANUNCULACEOUS adj. pertaining to or like buttercups; belonging to buttercup family of plants.
RANUNCULIranunculi n. Plural of ranunculus.
RANUNCULUS n. a genus of herbs, mostly with yellow flowers, including crowfoot and buttercups.
RANUNCULUSranunculus n. Any plant of the genus Ranunculus; the buttercup or crowfoot.
Ranunculus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Ranunculaceae – the ranunculuses, including the buttercup etc.
RANUNCULUS n. a genus of herbs, mostly with yellow flowers, including crowfoot and buttercups.
RANUNCULUSESranunculuses n. Plural of ranunculus.
RANUNCULUS n. a genus of herbs, mostly with yellow flowers, including crowfoot and buttercups.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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