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There are 9 words beginning with RAGT

RAGTAGragtag adj. Unkempt, shabby, or in a state of disrepair.
ragtag adj. Very diverse; having irregular and dissimilar components.
ragtag n. A shabby, unkempt person.
RAGTOPragtop n. (Slang) A convertible automobile.
RAGTOP n. a folding canvas top on a sports car.
RAGTAGSragtags n. Plural of ragtag.
RAGTAG n. the rabble.
RAGTAILRAGTAIL adj. ragged, shabby.
RAGTIMEragtime n. (Music, uncountable) A musical form having a rhythm characterized by strong syncopation in the melody…
ragtime n. (Music, countable) A piece of music in this style.
RAGTIME n. a style of American dance music.
RAGTOPSragtops n. Plural of ragtop.
RAGTOP n. a folding canvas top on a sports car.
RAGTIMERragtimer n. A musician who plays or composes ragtime music.
RAGTIMER n. one who plays ragtime music.
RAGTIMESragtimes n. Plural of ragtime.
RAGTIME n. a style of American dance music.
RAGTIMERSragtimers n. Plural of ragtimer.
RAGTIMER n. one who plays ragtime music.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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