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There are 14 words beginning with RAFT

RAFTraft n. A flat-bottomed craft able to float and drift on water, used for transport or as a waterborne platform.
raft n. (By extension) Any flattish thing, usually wooden, used in a similar fashion.
raft n. A thick crowd of seabirds or sea mammals, particularly a group of penguins when in the water.
RAFTSrafts n. Plural of raft.
rafts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of raft.
RAFT v. to ride on water on a floating mass.
RAFTEDrafted v. Simple past tense and past participle of raft.
RAFT v. to ride on water on a floating mass.
RAFTERrafter n. (Architecture) One of a series of sloped beams that extend from the ridge or hip to the downslope perimeter…
rafter n. (Collective) A flock of turkeys.
rafter v. (Transitive) To make (Timber, etc.) into rafters.
RAFTERSrafters n. Plural of rafter.
Rafters prop.n. Plural of Rafter.
RAFTER v. to supply with supporting beams.
RAFTINGrafting v. Present participle of raft.
rafting n. The sport of guiding a raft while descending a river, especially through rapids known as white water rafting.
RAFTING n. an activity of travelling by raft.
RAFTMANraftman n. A man who steers a raft.
RAFTMAN n. one who manages a raft, also RAFTSMAN.
RAFTMENraftmen n. Plural of raftman.
RAFTMAN n. one who manages a raft, also RAFTSMAN.
RAFTEREDraftered adj. Having rafters (often of a specified kind).
RAFTER v. to supply with supporting beams.
RAFTINGSRAFTING n. an activity of travelling by raft.
RAFTSMANraftsman n. A person who transports a raft of floating logs downstream to a sawmill; a rafter.
RAFTSMAN n. one who manages a raft, also RAFTMAN.
RAFTSMENraftsmen n. Plural of raftsman.
RAFTSMAN n. one who manages a raft, also RAFTMAN.
RAFTERINGraftering v. Present participle of rafter.
raftering n. (UK) The practice by which land is raftered (turning the grass side of each furrow upon an unploughed ridge).
raftering n. The set of rafters (sloped beams) of a building or similar construction.
RAFTERINGSrafterings n. Plural of raftering.
RAFTERING n. rafters collectively.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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