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There are 13 eight-letter words beginning with ROLL

ROLLABLErollable adj. Capable of rolling or being rolled.
ROLLABLE adj. able to be rolled.
ROLLAWAYrollaway adj. Having wheels to allow for storage.
ROLLAWAY n. something mounted on rollers.
ROLLBACKrollback n. A return to a prior state by undoing some operation, especially of policy or price changes.
rollback n. A withdrawal of military forces.
rollback n. (Databases) An operation which returns a database, or group of records in a database, to a previous…
ROLLBARSrollbars n. Plural of rollbar.
roll␣bars n. Plural of roll bar.
ROLLBAR n. a frame to protect the driver in racing cars.
ROLLICKSrollicks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of rollick.
ROLLICK v. to behave in a carefree, playful, boisterous way.
ROLLICKYrollicky adj. Rollicking.
ROLLICKY adj. playful, boisterous.
ROLLINGSrollings n. Plural of rolling.
ROLLING n. the act of rolling.
ROLLMOPSrollmops n. Plural of rollmop.
ROLLMOP n. a fillet of herring rolled up in onion.
ROLLNECKrollneck n. A turtleneck sweater.
ROLLNECK adj. of a garment, having a neck which can be rolled over.
ROLLNECK n. a garment with such a neck.
ROLLOCKSrollocks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of rollock.
ROLLOCK n. a contrivance serving as a fulcrum for an oar, also ROWLOCK, RULLOCK.
ROLLOUTSrollouts n. Plural of rollout.
roll-outs n. Plural of roll-out.
ROLLOUT n. a type of play in football.
ROLLOVERrollover n. The process of incrementing, especially back to an initial value.
rollover n. (Automotive) A road traffic accident in which a vehicle overturns.
rollover n. (Computing) A graphic element that changes its appearance when the cursor moves over it.
ROLLWAYSrollways n. Plural of rollway.
ROLLWAY n. an incline for rolling logs.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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