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There are 20 eight-letter words beginning with ROCK

ROCKABLErockable adj. (Engineering) Able to rock back and forth.
ROCKABLE adj. able to be rocked.
ROCKABYErockabye v. (Transitive, intransitive) To rock soothingly.
rockabye n. A soothing rocking motion.
ROCKABYE n. a song used to lull children to sleep, also ROCKABY.
ROCKAWAYrockaway n. (Dated, uncommon) A light, low, four-wheeled carriage with standing top, open at the sides, but with…
rockaway n. (Dated, uncommon) A similar but heavier carriage, enclosed except at the front, and with a door at each side.
Rockaway prop.n. A sandy peninsula in Queens County, New York, extending west from Nassau County, dividing Jamaica Bay…
ROCKETEDrocketed v. Simple past tense and past participle of rocket.
ROCKET v. to be projected by the backward jet thrust of hot gases.
ROCKETERrocketer n. (Hunting) A bird, especially a pheasant, which, being flushed, rises straight in the air like a rocket.
ROCKETER n. a bird, esp. a pheasant, which, being flushed, rises straight in the air like a rocket.
ROCKETRYrocketry n. The making and launching of rockets, its science and practice.
ROCKETRY n. the science of rockets.
ROCKFALLrockfall n. A quantity of rocks that has fallen from a cliff etc.
rock␣fall n. Alternative form of rockfall.
ROCKFALL n. a mass of fallen rocks.
ROCKFISHrockfish n. (Usually uncountable) Any of a large number of different species of fish, which dwell among rocks, specifically…
rockfish n. (Derogatory, slang, ethnic slur, US) A black person who does not know how to swim.
rock-fish n. Alternative form of rockfish.
ROCKIERSROCKIER n. the rock dove, also ROCKER.
ROCKIESTrockiest adj. Superlative form of rocky: most rocky.
ROCKY adj. shaky, or unsteady.
ROCKINGSrockings n. Plural of rocking.
ROCKING n. the act of rocking.
ROCKLAYSrocklays n. Plural of rocklay.
ROCKLAY n. (Scots) a short cloak, also ROKELAY, ROQUELAURE.
ROCKLESSrockless adj. Without rocks.
ROCKLESS adj. without rocks.
ROCKLIKErocklike adj. Resembling a rock.
rocklike adj. Resembling rock music.
rock-like adj. (Of a material or substance) Similar to rock.
ROCKLINGrockling n. Any of various fishes of the Lotidae family.
rockling n. Any of certain fishes from other families.
ROCKLING n. a small fish of the cod family with barbels on both jaws.
ROCKOONSrockoons n. Plural of rockoon.
ROCKOON n. a small rocket.
ROCKROSErockrose n. Any of various plants in the family Cistaceae, the sunroses.
rockrose n. Pavonia lasiopetala (Malvaceae), Texas swampmallow.
rockrose n. Phemeranthus spp. (Montiaceae), flameflowers.
ROCKWEEDrockweed n. Ascophyllum nodosum, a seaweed also known as knotted wrack.
rockweed n. Fucus vesiculosus, a similar seaweed also known as bladderwrack.
ROCKWEED n. any coarse seaweed growing on sea-washed rocks.
ROCKWOOLrockwool n. Inorganic material resembling fiber, used primarily for insulation and soundproofing.
rockwool n. A horticultural growing medium made from natural ingredients, usually including basalt rock and chalk.
rock␣wool n. Alternative form of rockwool.
ROCKWORKrockwork n. Ornamental work done with rocks, as for example around a pond.
rockwork n. (Climbing) The act of climbing a rock face, cliff, etc.
ROCKWORK n. stonework in which the surface is left broken and rough.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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