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There are 10 six-letter words beginning with REVE

REVEALreveal n. The outer side of a window or door frame.
reveal n. (Cinematography, narratology, comedy, usually informal) A revelation; an uncovering of what was hidden…
reveal v. (Transitive) To uncover; to show and display that which was hidden.
REVELSrevels n. Plural of revel.
Revels prop.n. Plural of Revel.
REVEL v. to engage in noisy merrymaking.
REVERBreverb n. (Audio effects) An electronic effect which simulates echoes or reverberations in the sound signal being processed.
reverb v. (Obsolete) To echo.
reverb v. (Transitive) To apply a reverb (electronic echo effect) to.
REVERErevere v. (Transitive) to regard someone or something with great awe or devotion.
revere v. (Transitive, also religion) to honour in a form lesser than worship, e.g. a saint, or an idol.
revere n. A revers.
REVERSrevers n. A lapel of a garment, turned back to show the reverse side.
revers n. Plural of rever.
REVERS n. (French) a part of a garment that folds back.
REVERTrevert n. One who, or that which, reverts.
revert n. (Religion) One who reverts to that religion which he had adhered to before having converted to another.
revert n. (Islam, due to the belief that all people are born Muslim) A convert to Islam.
REVERYrevery n. Dated form of reverie.
REVERY n. a daydream, also REVERIE.
REVESTrevest v. (Obsolete) To dress (a priest or other religious figure) in ritual garments, especially to celebrate…
revest v. To reclothe; to dress again.
revest v. To return (property) to a former owner; to reinstate.
REVETSrevets v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of revet.
REVET v. to face with masonry.
REVEURREVEUR n. (French) a daydreamer.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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