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There are 15 twelve-letter words beginning with RESP

RESPECIFYINGrespecifying v. Present participle of respecify.
RESPECIFY v. to specify again.
RESPECTABLESrespectables n. Plural of respectable.
RESPECTABLE n. one who is respectable.
RESPECTFULLYrespectfully adv. In a respectful manner.
RESPECTFUL adv. marked by or showing respect.
RESPECTIVELYrespectively adv. In a relative manner; often used when comparing array lists, where the term denotes that the items in…
RESPECTIVE adv. particular, separate.
RESPIRATIONSrespirations n. Plural of respiration.
RESPIRATION n. breathing; the taking in of oxygen and giving out of carbon dioxide.
RESPIROMETERrespirometer n. A device used to measure the rate of respiration of living organisms, such as plants or fish.
respirometer n. An apparatus for supplying air to a diver under water.
RESPIROMETER n. an instrument for measuring and studying respiration.
RESPIROMETRYrespirometry n. A form of calorimetry that is used to measure the metabolic rate.
RESPIROMETRY n. measurement by respirometer.
RESPLENDENCEresplendence n. The property of being, or that which causes something to be, resplendent.
RESPLENDENCE n. the state of being resplendent, also RESPLENDENCY.
RESPLENDENCYresplendency n. Resplendence, radiant beauty.
resplendency n. (Mathematics) A property of the truth of sentence structures in Peano arithmetic.
RESPLENDENCY n. the state of being resplendent, also RESPLENDENCE.
RESPONDENCESrespondences n. Plural of respondence.
RESPONDENCE n. correspondence, agreement, also RESPONDENCY.
RESPONDENTIArespondentia n. (Law, commercial law) A loan upon goods laden on board a ship.
RESPONDENTIA n. a loan on a ship's cargo payable on safe arrival.
RESPONSELESSresponseless adj. Having or producing no response.
RESPONSELESS adj. without a response.
RESPONSIVELYresponsively adv. In a responsive manner.
RESPONSIVE adv. giving response.
RESPONSORIALresponsorial n. A book of liturgical responses.
responsorial adj. Of or pertaining to a response (in all senses).
responsorial adj. Responsive.
RESPONSORIESresponsories n. Plural of responsory.
RESPONSORY n. a set of responses sung or said after liturgical reading.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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