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There are 18 twelve-letter words beginning with RECA

RECALCITRANTrecalcitrant adj. Marked by a stubborn unwillingness to obey authority.
recalcitrant adj. Unwilling to cooperate socially.
recalcitrant adj. Difficult to deal with or to operate.
RECALCITRATErecalcitrate v. (Intransitive) To kick back; to kick against anything.
recalcitrate v. (Transitive, by extension) To express repugnance or opposition.
RECALCITRATE v. to show strong objection to.
RECALCULATEDrecalculated v. Simple past tense and past participle of recalculate.
RECALCULATE v. to calculate again.
RECALCULATESrecalculates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of recalculate.
RECALCULATE v. to calculate again.
RECALESCENCErecalescence n. An increase in temperature that occurs while cooling metal through a range of temperatures in which…
RECALESCENCE n. the renewed glowing of iron at a certain stage of cooling from white heat.
RECALIBRATEDrecalibrated v. Simple past tense and past participle of recalibrate.
RECALIBRATE v. to calibrate again.
RECALIBRATESrecalibrates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of recalibrate.
RECALIBRATE v. to calibrate again.
RECANALISINGrecanalising v. Present participle of recanalise.
RECANALISE v. to canalize again, also RECANALIZE.
RECANALIZINGrecanalizing v. Present participle of recanalize.
RECANALIZE v. to canalize again, also RECANALISE.
RECANTATIONSrecantations n. Plural of recantation.
RECANTATION n. the act of recanting.
RECAPITALISErecapitalise v. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of recapitalize.
RECAPITALISE v. to supply with new capital, also RECAPITALIZE.
RECAPITALIZErecapitalize v. To change how a corporation is structured.
RECAPITALIZE v. to change the capital structure of, also RECAPITALISE.
RECAPITULATErecapitulate v. (Transitive) To summarize or repeat in concise form.
recapitulate v. (Intransitive) To summarize or repeat in concise form.
recapitulate v. (Transitive) To reproduce or closely resemble (as in structure or function).
RECATALOGINGrecataloging v. Present participle of recatalog.
RECATALOG v. to catalog again, also RECATALOGUE.
RECATALOGUEDrecatalogued v. Simple past tense and past participle of recatalogue.
RECATALOGUE v. to catalogue again, also RECATALOG.
RECATALOGUESrecatalogues v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of recatalogue.
RECATALOGUE v. to catalogue again, also RECATALOG.
RECATEGORIZErecategorize v. To categorize again, to put in a new or different category.
RECAUTIONINGRECAUTION v. to caution again.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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