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There are 17 eleven-letter words beginning with RETI

RETICENCIESreticencies n. Plural of reticency.
RETICENCY n. the quality of being reticent, also RETICENCE.
RETICULARLYreticularly adv. In a reticular manner.
RETICULAR adv. netted, netlike.
RETICULATEDreticulated adj. Characterized by or having the form of a grid or network.
reticulated adj. (Masonry) Constructed with diamond-shaped stones.
reticulated adj. Having a reticle in the focus of an eyepiece.
RETICULATESreticulates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of reticulate.
RETICULATE v. to interconnect in network fashion.
RETIGHTENEDretightened v. Simple past tense and past participle of retighten.
RETIGHTEN v. to tighten again.
RETINACULARretinacular adj. Relating to a retinaculum.
RETINACULAR adj. pertaining to the retinaculum, a band-like structure that holds an organ in place.
RETINACULUMretinaculum n. (Anatomy) A connecting band.
retinaculum n. (Anatomy) One of the annular ligaments which hold the tendons close to the bones at the larger joints…
retinaculum n. (Zoology) One of the retractor muscles of the proboscis of certain worms.
RETINALITESretinalites n. Plural of retinalite.
RETINALITE n. a translucent variety of serpentine, of a honey yellow or greenish yellow color, having a waxy resinlike luster.
RETINISPORARetinispora prop.n. (Obsolete) A taxonomic genus within the family Cupressaceae – synonymized with Chamaecyparis, all species…
RETINISPORA n. a cypress or related conifer in a perpetuated juvenile form, also RETINOSPORA.
RETINITIDESRETINITIS n. inflammation of the retina.
RETINITISESRETINITIS n. inflammation of the retina.
RETINOPATHYretinopathy n. (Medicine) Non-inflammatory disease of the retina.
RETINOPATHY n. any of various noninflammatory disorders of the retina including some that cause blindness.
RETINOSCOPEretinoscope n. An instrument used for examining the refraction of light within the eye.
RETINOSCOPE n. an instrument for measuring and viewing the retina.
RETINOSCOPYretinoscopy n. (Medicine) Analysis of the refractive properties of the eye using a retinoscope; skiascopy.
RETINOSCOPY n. observation of the retina of the eye esp. to determine the state of refraction.
RETINOSPORARetinospora prop.n. (Obsolete) Retinispora, a former genus of coniferous trees, now in genus Chamaecyparis, some species…
RETINOSPORA n. a cypress or related conifer in a perpetuated juvenile form, also RETINISPORA.
RETIREDNESSretiredness n. Quality of being retired or withdrawn.
RETIREDNESS n. the state of being retired.
RETIREMENTSretirements n. Plural of retirement.
RETIREMENT n. an act of retiring.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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