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There are 19 seven-letter words beginning with ROA

ROACHEDroached adj. (US) Having a style of trimming a horse’s mane so that the hair stands straight up from the neck, similar…
roached adj. (By extension) Of hair: cut or styled in such a way that it stands straight up.
roached v. Simple past tense and past participle of roach.
ROACHESroaches n. Plural of roach.
Roaches prop.n. Plural of Roache.
ROACH v. to clip or trim (a horse's mane) short so that the hair stands on end.
ROADBEDroadbed n. The prepared location for a road, including its foundation.
roadbed n. A trackbed.
ROADBED n. the foundation for a railroad track.
ROADEOSroadeos n. Plural of roadeo.
ROADEO n. a competition for truck drivers.
ROADHOGroadhog n. Alternative spelling of road hog.
road-hog n. Alternative spelling of road hog.
road␣hog n. A motorist who straddles two lanes of traffic or otherwise monopolizes the road.
ROADIESroadies n. Plural of roadie.
ROADIE n. a person who works for travelling entertainers.
ROADINGroading n. The construction of roads.
roading n. The act of running races in teams.
ROADING n. a woodcock's evening flight, also RODING.
ROADMANroadman n. A man who builds or repairs roads.
roadman n. (Britain, chiefly MLE, slang) A member of a subculture characterised by their clothing (notably puffer…
ROADMAN n. one who works making or repairing roads, also ROADSMAN.
ROADMENroadmen n. Plural of roadman.
ROADMAN n. one who works making or repairing roads, also ROADSMAN.
ROADWAYroadway n. A way used as a road.
roadway n. The main or central portion of a road, used by the vehicles.
roadway n. The portion of a bridge or railway used by traffic.
ROAMERSroamers n. Plural of roamer.
ROAMER n. one who roams, a wanderer.
ROAMINGroaming v. Present participle of roam.
roaming n. (Countable) An instance of wandering.
roaming n. (Uncountable, telecommunications) The ability to use a cell phone outside of its original registering zone.
ROARERSroarers n. Plural of roarer.
ROARER n. one who roars.
ROARIERROARY adj. noisy, garish, too bright, also ROARIE, RORIE, RORY.
ROARINGroaring adj. Intensive; extreme.
roaring adj. Very successful; lively.
roaring v. Present participle of roar.
ROASTEDroasted adj. Cooked by roasting.
roasted v. Simple past tense and past participle of roast.
ROAST v. to cook with dry heat.
ROASTERroaster n. One who roasts food.
roaster n. (Cooking) A kitchen utensil used for roasting.
roaster n. A chicken, pig, etc. suitable for roasting.
ROASTIEroastie n. (Slang) A roast potato.
roastie n. (Slang) A roast beef sandwich.
roastie n. (Vulgar, derogatory, incel slang) A woman, especially a promiscuous one.
ROATINGROATE v. (Shakespeare) to learn by repetition, also ROTE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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