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There are 17 seven-letter words beginning with RAS

RASBORArasbora n. Any minnow-like small fish in the cyprinid genus Rasbora.
rasbora n. Any similar fish formerly classified in that genus.
RASBORA n. a brightly coloured tropical fish.
RASCALSrascals n. Plural of rascal.
RASCAL n. a rogue or scamp.
RASCHELraschel n. A kind of light loosely knitted cloth.
RASCHEL n. (German) a type of light loosely knitted cloth.
RASHERSrashers n. Plural of rasher.
rashers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of rasher.
RASHER n. a thin slice of meat.
RASHESTrashest adj. Superlative form of rash: most rash.
RASH adj. acting without forethought.
RASHIESrashies n. Plural of rashie.
RASHIE n. (Australian slang) a shirt worn by surfers as protection against the sun, heat rash etc.
RASHINGrashing v. Present participle of rash.
RASH v. to dash, rush.
RASPERSraspers n. Plural of rasper.
RASPER n. a tool used for rasping.
RASPIERraspier adj. Comparative form of raspy: more raspy.
RASPY adj. rough.
RASPINGrasping adj. Raspy.
rasping adj. Exasperating.
rasping v. Present participle of rasp.
RASPISHraspish adj. Raspy.
RASPISH adj. irritable.
RASSLEDrassled v. Simple past tense and past participle of rassle.
RASSLE v. (colloquial) to wrestle, also WARSLE, WARSTLE, WRASSLE, WRASTLE, WRAXLE.
RASSLERRASSLER n. a wrestler.
RASSLESrassles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of rassle.
RASSLE v. (colloquial) to wrestle, also WARSLE, WARSTLE, WRASSLE, WRASTLE, WRAXLE.
RASTERSrasters n. Plural of raster.
RASTER n. the area reproducing images on the picture tube of a television set.
RASTRUMrastrum n. A five-pointed writing implement used to draw parallel lines of a staff in sheet music.
RASTRUM n. (Latin) a music-pen.
RASURESrasures n. Plural of rasure.
RASURE n. the act of scraping, also RAZURE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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