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There are 17 seven-letter words beginning with RAP

RAPHIASraphias n. Plural of raphia.
RAPHIA n. (Malagasy) a genus of palm trees, also RAFFIA.
RAPHIDEraphide n. (Botany) A crystal of calcium oxalate, shaped like a needle, which forms as a metabolic byproduct in some plant cells.
RAPHIDE n. a needle-shaped crystal occurring in plant cells, also RAPHIS.
RAPIDERrapider adj. Comparative form of rapid: more rapid.
RAPID adj. quick.
RAPIDLYrapidly adv. With speed; in a rapid manner.
RAPID adv. quick.
RAPIERSrapiers n. Plural of rapier.
Rapiers prop.n. Plural of Rapier.
RAPIER n. a long, slender sword, designed esp. for thrusting.
RAPINESrapines v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of rapine.
RAPINE n. the taking of property by force.
RAPINISRAPINI n. (Italian) immature turnip plants, also RAPPINI.
RAPISTSrapists n. Plural of rapist.
RAPIST n. one who commits rape.
RAPLOCHraploch n. (Scotland) coarse undyed woollen cloth.
RAPLOCH n. (Scots) a homespun material.
RAPPEESrappees n. Plural of rappee.
RAPPEE n. (French) a pungent kind of snuff made from the darker and ranker kinds of tobacco leaves.
RAPPELSrappels n. Plural of rappel.
rappels v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of rappel.
RAPPEL v. (French) to descend from a steep height by means of a rope.
RAPPERSrappers n. Plural of rapper.
RAPPER n. a doorknocker.
RAPPINGrapping v. Present participle of rap.
rapping n. The sound of a rap or knock.
rapping n. (Music) Musical speech accompanied by a rhythm, most commonly as part of hip-hop music.
RAPPINIrappini n. Alternative form of rapini (vegetable).
RAPPINI n. (Italian) immature turnip plants, also RAPINI.
RAPPORTrapport n. A relationship of mutual trust and respect. A close and harmonious relationship in which the people…
rapport n. Relation; proportion; conformity.
RAPPORT n. (French) a relationship, esp. harmonious.
RAPTORSraptors n. Plural of raptor.
RAPTOR n. a bird or prey.
RAPTURErapture n. Extreme pleasure, happiness or excitement.
rapture n. In some forms of fundamentalist Protestant eschatology, the event when Jesus returns and gathers the…
rapture n. (Obsolete) The act of kidnapping or abducting, especially the forceful carrying off of a woman.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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