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There are 8 six-letter words beginning with RUG

RUGATErugate adj. Having alternate ridges and depressions; wrinkled.
RUGATE adj. wrinkled; covered with sunken lines, also RUGOSE, RUGOUS.
RUGGEDrugged adj. Broken into sharp or irregular points; uneven; not smooth; rough.
rugged adj. Not neat or regular; irregular, uneven.
rugged adj. Rough with bristly hair; shaggy.
RUGGERrugger n. (Uncountable) rugby.
rugger n. (US) rugby player.
RUGGER n. a form of football, also RUGBY.
RUGOLARUGOLA n. (Italian) a Mediterranean plant used in salads, also ARUGOLA, ARUGULA, RUCOLA.
RUGOSArugosa n. A plant of the rose species Rosa rugosa, or of any hybrid developed from it.
Rugosa prop.n. A taxonomic order within the subclass Hexacorallia – horn corals, extinct solitary and colonial corals…
RUGOSA n. (Latin) a garden rose.
RUGOSErugose adj. Having rugae or wrinkles, creases, ridges, or corrugation.
rugose adj. (Figurative, rare) Rugged, rough, unrefined.
rugose adj. (Botany) Having a rough, wrinkled, or wavy surface; commonly in parasynthetic usage e.g. rugose-veined…
RUGOUSrugous adj. Wrinkled; rugose.
RUGOUS adj. wrinkled; covered with sunken lines, also RUGATE, RUGOSE.
RUGRATrugrat n. (Humorous or derogatory, chiefly in the plural) A toddler, a young child.
rug␣rat n. (US, slang) usually a little child, up to the age of six years.
RUGRAT n. (colloquial) a young child.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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