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There are 9 five-letter words beginning with REG

REGALregal adj. Of or relating to royalty.
regal adj. Befitting a king, queen, emperor, or empress.
regal adj. Befitting a king, or emperor.
REGARREGAR n. (Hindi) the rich black cotton soil of the Indian subcontinent, also REGUR.
REGESREX n. a king.
REGGOREGGO n. (Australian slang) a (motor vehicle) registration, also REGO.
REGIEregie n. A government monopoly, such as on tobaccoo, typically used to raise revenue (via taxes).
REGIE n. (French) a system of Government monopoly, esp. in tobacco.
REGMAregma n. (Botany) A kind of dry fruit, consisting of three or more cells, each of which eventually breaks open…
REGMA n. (Greek) a dry fruit formed of three or more cells which break open when ripe.
REGNAregna n. Plural of regnum.
REGNUM n. (Latin) reign, dominion.
REGOSregos n. Plural of rego.
Regos prop.n. Plural of Rego.
REGO n. (Australian slang) a (motor vehicle) registration, also REGGO.
REGURregur n. A rich, black, loamy soil found in India.
REGUR n. (Hindi) the rich black cotton soil of the Indian subcontinent, also REGAR.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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