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There are 16 five-letter words beginning with RAT

RATALratal n. A traditional Maltese unit of weight, officially 1.75 imperial pounds (0.794 kg), now widely metrified…
ratal adj. Pertaining to a rate of taxation.
ratal n. The amount on which a tax rate is assessed.
RATANratan n. Alternative form of rattan.
RATAN n. (Malay) a climbing plant with long thin stems, also ROTAN, RATTAN.
RATASratas n. Plural of rata.
RATA n. (Maori) a myrtaceous New Zealand tree with hard red wood and bearing crimson flowers.
RATCHratch n. Alternative form of rach.
ratch n. Alternative form of rotche.
ratch n. A ratchet wheel.
RATEDrated adj. (Now rare) Scolded, rebuked.
rated adj. (Engineering) maximum (Load, voltage, etc.) under which a device can function properly.
rated v. Simple past tense and past participle of rate.
RATELratel n. Synonym of honey badger.
RATEL n. (South African) an African badger, aka honey-badger.
RATERrater n. One who provides a rating or assessment.
rater n. One who rates or scolds.
RATER n. one that rates.
RATESrates n. Plural of rate.
rates n. (Britain, New Zealand, Australia, Hong Kong) Taxes, usually on property, levied by local government.
rates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of rate.
RATHARATHA n. (Hindi) a four-wheeled carriage drawn by horses or bullocks.
RATHErathe adj. (Poetic) Ripening or blooming early.
rathe adv. (Obsolete) Quickly.
rathe adv. (Poetic) Early in the morning.
RATHSraths n. Plural of rath.
Raths prop.n. Plural of Rath.
RATH n. an ancient hill fort.
RATIOratio n. A number representing a comparison between two named things.
ratio n. (Arithmetic) The relative magnitudes of two quantities (usually expressed as a quotient).
ratio n. (Law) Short for ratio decidendi.
RATOORATOO n. a local chief in Fiji, also RATU.
RATOSratos n. Plural of rato.
RATO n. a rocket-assisted aeroplane takeoff.
RATTYratty adj. Resembling or characteristic of a rat; ratlike.
ratty adj. Infested with rats.
ratty adj. (Figuratively, informal).
RATUSratus n. Plural of ratu.
RATU n. a local chief in Fiji, also RATOO.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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