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There are 6 four-letter words beginning with ROT

ROTArota n. (Britain) A schedule that allocates some task, responsibility or (rarely) privilege between a set of…
rota n. (Music) A kind of zither, played like a guitar, used in the Middle Ages in church music.
Rota prop.n. (Catholicism) A branch of the papal Curia which serves as an appellate court in ecclesiastical cases…
ROTErote n. Mechanical routine; a fixed, habitual, repetitive, or mechanical course of procedure.
rote adj. By repetition or practice.
rote v. (Obsolete) To go out by rotation or succession; to rotate.
ROTIroti n. A kind of unleavened flatbread commonly consumed in South Asia and the Caribbean.
ROTI n. (Hindi) a cake of unleavened bread.
ROTLrotl n. (Historical units of measure) Alternative form of rottol: a former Middle Eastern and North African…
ROTL n. (UK) Initialism of release on temporary licence: a form of parole for prisoners.
ROTL n. (Arabic) a variable Levantine weight, also ROTOLO.
ROTOroto n. (Countable, uncountable) Clipping of rotogravure.
roto n. (US, sports, informal, uncountable) Clipping of rotisserie baseball.
roto n. (US, sports, informal, uncountable) Clipping of rotisserie sports.
ROTSrots v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of rot.
rots n. Plural of rot.
ROTS prop.n. (Science fiction) Initialism of w:Revenge of the Sith. (a 2005 movie in the Star Wars series)

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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