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There are 16 eleven-letter words beginning with RAT

RATABLENESSRATABLENESS n. the quality of being ratable, also RATEABLENESS.
RATAPLANNEDrataplanned v. Simple past tense and past participle of rataplan.
RATAPLAN v. to make a rapidly repeating sound, as on a drum.
RATATOUILLEratatouille n. A traditional French Provençal stewed vegetable dish consisting primarily of tomatoes, zucchini and eggplant.
RATATOUILLE n. (French) a vegetable dish of aubergines, courgettes, tomatoes, onions, and peppers fried and stewed in oil.
RATEABILITYrateability n. Alternative form of ratability.
RATEABILITY n. the ability to be rated, also RATABILITY.
RATHSKELLERrathskeller n. A bar or restaurant in a basement, especially one that serves beer.
RATHSKELLER n. (German) a usually basement tavern or restaurant.
RATIOCINATEratiocinate v. To use the powers of the mind logically and methodically; to reason.
RATIOCINATE v. to reason or argue logically.
RATIONALISErationalise v. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of rationalize.
RATIONALISE v. to make rational, also RATIONALIZE.
RATIONALISMrationalism n. (Philosophy) The theory that the reason is a source of knowledge independent of and superior to sense perception.
rationalism n. (Philosophy) The theory that knowledge may be derived by deductions from a priori concepts (such as…
rationalism n. A view that the fundamental method for problem solving is through reason and experience rather than…
RATIONALISTrationalist n. A person who follows the philosophy of rationalism.
RATIONALIST n. an adherent of rationalism.
RATIONALITYrationality n. The quality or state of being rational; due exercise of reason; reasonableness.
rationality n. Objective consideration.
RATIONALITY n. the state of being rational.
RATIONALIZErationalize v. To make something rational or more rational.
rationalize v. To justify an immoral act, or illogical behaviour. “The process of thought by which one justifies a…
rationalize v. (Mathematics) To remove radicals, without changing the value of an expression or the roots of an equation.
RATTINESSESRATTINESS n. the state of being ratty.
RATTLEBOXESrattleboxes n. Plural of rattlebox.
RATTLEBOX n. any of various tropical and subtropical plants with inflated seedpods within which the seeds rattle.
RATTLEBRAINrattlebrain n. A rattlebrained person.
RATTLEBRAIN n. a shallow, voluble, volatile person.
RATTLESNAKErattlesnake n. Any of various venomous American snakes, of genera Crotalus and Sistrurus, having a rattle at the end of its tail.
rattle␣snake n. Alternative spelling of rattlesnake.
RATTLESNAKE n. any of several American pit vipers that have horny interlocking joints at the end of the tail which make a sharp rattling sound when shaken.
RATTLETRAPSrattletraps n. Plural of rattletrap.
rattle␣traps n. Plural of rattle trap.
RATTLETRAP n. any machine or vehicle that does not run smoothly.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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