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There are 10 ten-letter words beginning with RUM

RUMBLINGLYrumblingly adv. With a rumbling sound; in a rumbling manner.
RUMBULLIONrumbullion n. (Obsolete) Rum, the spirit.
rumbullion n. (Archaic, colloquial) A great tumult.
RUMBULLION n. (obsolete) an older name for rum.
RUMFUSTIANrumfustian n. A hot alcoholic drink traditionally made from sherry, eggs, etc. and now made from rum and various spices.
RUMFUSTIAN n. (archaic) a hot alcoholic drink made from rum and various spices.
RUMINANTLYruminantly adv. In a ruminant manner; by ruminating, or chewing the cud.
RUMINANT adv. chewing the cud.
RUMINATINGruminating v. Present participle of ruminate.
ruminating n. An act of pondering over, meditation, or reflection.
RUMINATE v. to chew again.
RUMINATIONrumination n. The act of ruminating; i.e. chewing cud.
rumination n. (Figuratively) Deep thought or consideration.
rumination n. (Psychology) Negative cyclic thinking; persistent and recurrent worrying or brooding.
RUMINATIVEruminative adj. Causing rumination or prone to it; thoughtful.
RUMINATIVE adj. tending to ruminate.
RUMINATORSruminators n. Plural of ruminator.
RUMINATOR n. one who ruminates.
RUMMISHINGRUMMISH v. (Scots) to roar or protest.
RUMRUNNERSrumrunners n. Plural of rumrunner.
rum-runners n. Plural of rum-runner.
rum␣runners n. Plural of rum runner.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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