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There are 14 words beginning with PULPIT

PULPITpulpit n. A raised platform in a church, usually enclosed, where the minister or preacher stands when giving the sermon.
pulpit n. Activity performed from a church pulpit, in other words, preaching, sermons, religious teaching, the…
pulpit n. A raised desk, lectern, or platform for an orator or public speaker.
PULPITALpulpital adj. Relating to, or befitting, a pulpit.
PULPITAL adj. relating to a pulpit.
PULPITEDpulpited adj. Placed in a pulpit.
PULPITED adj. provided with a pulpit.
PULPITEERpulpiteer n. (Derogatory) One who speaks in a pulpit; a preacher.
PULPITEER n. someone who speaks from a pulpit, a preacher, also PULPITER.
PULPITEER v. to preach from a pulpit.
PULPITEEREDPULPITEER v. to preach from a pulpit.
PULPITEERINGPULPITEER v. to preach from a pulpit.
PULPITEERSpulpiteers n. Plural of pulpiteer.
PULPITEER n. someone who speaks from a pulpit, a preacher, also PULPITER.
PULPITERpulpiter n. (Obsolete) A preacher.
PULPITER n. someone who speaks from a pulpit, a preacher, also PULPITEER.
PULPITERSpulpiters n. Plural of pulpiter.
PULPITER n. someone who speaks from a pulpit, a preacher, also PULPITEER.
PULPITRYpulpitry n. (Obsolete) The teachings of the pulpit; preaching.
PULPITRY n. sermonizing.
PULPITSpulpits n. Plural of pulpit.
PULPIT n. a raised structure for preaching from.
PULPITUMpulpitum n. A massive, often decorative screen of stone or timber that divides the choir from the nave and ambulatory…
PULPITUM n. (Latin) a gigantic stone screen separating a cathedral choir from the nave.
PULPITUMSpulpitums n. Plural of pulpitum.
PULPITUM n. (Latin) a gigantic stone screen separating a cathedral choir from the nave.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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