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There are 9 words beginning with PROTIS

PROTISTprotist n. (Microbiology) Any of the eukaryotic unicellular organisms including protozoans, slime molds and some…
PROTIST n. one of the Protista, protozoans, algae, bacteria, and other forms not readily classified as plant or animal, also PROTISTAN.
PROTISTSprotists n. Plural of protist.
PROTIST n. one of the Protista, protozoans, algae, bacteria, and other forms not readily classified as plant or animal, also PROTISTAN.
PROTISTANprotistan adj. Of or pertaining to the protists.
protistan n. A protist.
PROTISTAN n. one of the Protista, protozoans, algae, bacteria, and other forms not readily classified as plant or animal, also PROTIST.
PROTISTICprotistic adj. Of or pertaining to protists.
PROTISTIC adj. of or like a protist.
PROTISTANSprotistans n. Plural of protistan.
PROTISTAN n. one of the Protista, protozoans, algae, bacteria, and other forms not readily classified as plant or animal, also PROTIST.
PROTISTOLOGYprotistology n. (Biology) The scientific study of protists.
PROTISTOLOGY n. the study of protists.
PROTISTOLOGIESPROTISTOLOGY n. the study of protists.
PROTISTOLOGISTprotistologist n. (Biology, protistology) One who studies protists.
PROTISTOLOGIST n. a specialist in protistology.
PROTISTOLOGISTSprotistologists n. Plural of protistologist.
PROTISTOLOGIST n. a specialist in protistology.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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