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There are 19 words beginning with PROPOR

PROPORTIONproportion n. (Countable) A quantity of something that is part of the whole amount or number.
proportion n. (Uncountable) Harmonious relation of parts to each other or to the whole.
proportion n. (Countable) Proper or equal share.
PROPORTIONSproportions n. Plural of proportion.
proportions n. (Informal) A person’s figure.
proportions n. (Flags) The measurements of a flag, described using a ratio.
PROPORTIONALproportional adj. (Mathematics) At a constant ratio (to). Two magnitudes (numbers) are said to be proportional if the…
proportional adj. (Chiefly US) In proportion (to), proportionate.
proportional adj. Of a typeface, having characters with natural (non-uniform) width (in contrast to monospace typefaces).
PROPORTIONEDproportioned adj. Having a proportion.
proportioned v. Simple past tense and past participle of proportion.
PROPORTION v. to adjust (a part or thing) in size relative to other parts or things.
PROPORTIONALSproportionals n. Plural of proportional.
PROPORTIONAL n. a number or quantity in a proportion.
PROPORTIONATEproportionate adj. In proportion; proportional; commensurable.
proportionate adj. Harmonious and symmetrical.
proportionate v. (Transitive) To make proportionate.
PROPORTIONINGproportioning v. Present participle of proportion.
PROPORTIONING n. an adjustment of proportions.
PROPORTIONABLEproportionable adj. Capable of being proportioned, or made proportional.
proportionable adj. In the correct proportion; proportional; commensurable.
PROPORTIONABLE adj. proportional, proportionate.
PROPORTIONABLYproportionably adv. In a proportionable manner; proportionately.
PROPORTIONABLE adv. proportional, proportionate.
PROPORTIONALLYproportionally adv. In proportion; in due degree; adapted relatively.
PROPORTIONAL adv. relating to proportion.
PROPORTIONATEDproportionated v. Simple past tense and past participle of proportionate.
PROPORTIONATE v. to make proportionate.
PROPORTIONATESproportionates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of proportionate.
PROPORTIONATE v. to make proportionate.
PROPORTIONINGSPROPORTIONING n. an adjustment of proportions.
PROPORTIONLESSproportionless adj. Without proportion; unsymmetrical.
PROPORTIONLESS adj. without proportion.
PROPORTIONMENTproportionment n. The act or process of dividing out proportionally.
PROPORTIONMENT n. the act of proportioning.
PROPORTIONALITYproportionality n. (Uncountable) the property of being proportional.
proportionality n. (Uncountable) the principle that government action ought to be proportional to the ends achieved (e…
proportionality n. (Countable) the degree to which something is in proportion.
PROPORTIONATELYproportionately adv. In a proportionate manner; with due proportion; proportionally.
PROPORTIONATE adv. in proportion.
PROPORTIONATINGproportionating v. Present participle of proportionate.
PROPORTIONATE v. to make proportionate.
PROPORTIONMENTSproportionments n. Plural of proportionment.
PROPORTIONMENT n. the act of proportioning.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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