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There are 10 words beginning with PHARIS

PHARISAICpharisaic adj. Of or pertaining to the Pharisees.
pharisaic adj. (Chiefly Christianity) Emphasizing the observance of ritual or practice over the meaning.
pharisaic adj. Self-righteous.
PHARISAICALpharisaical adj. Of or pertaining to the Pharisees.
pharisaical adj. (Chiefly Christianity) Emphasizing the observance of ritual or practice over the meaning; self-righteous…
PHARISAICAL adj. characterized by hypocritical self-righteousness; putting emphasis on strict observance of rituals unrelated to the spirit or meaning of the ceremony, also PHARISAIC.
PHARISAICALLYpharisaically adv. (Chiefly Christianity) In a pharisaical manner.
PHARISAICAL adv. characterized by hypocritical self-righteousness; putting emphasis on strict observance of rituals unrelated to the spirit or meaning of the ceremony, also PHARISAIC.
PHARISAICALNESSpharisaicalness n. (Chiefly Christianity) The quality of being pharisaical.
PHARISAICAL n. characterized by hypocritical self-righteousness; putting emphasis on strict observance of rituals unrelated to the spirit or meaning of the ceremony, also PHARISAIC.
PHARISAISMpharisaism n. The doctrines and practices, or the character and spirit, of the Pharisees.
pharisaism n. (Chiefly Christianity) Rigid observance of external forms of religion without genuine piety; hypocrisy…
Pharisaism n. Alternative letter-case form of pharisaism.
PHARISAISMSpharisaisms n. Plural of pharisaism.
PHARISAISM n. the notions, doctrines, and conduct of the Pharisees, as a sect.
PHARISEEPharisee n. (Historical) A member of an ancient Jewish political party, a social movement, and a school of thought…
Pharisee n. (Figuratively, by extension; derogatory) A person who values the letter of the law over its spirit or intention.
PHARISEE n. a hypocritically self-righteous person.
PHARISEEISMPhariseeism n. Synonym of pharisaism.
PHARISEEISM n. the state of being a pharisee, a self-righteous or hypocritical person.
PHARISEEISMSPhariseeisms n. Plural of Phariseeism.
PHARISEEISM n. the state of being a pharisee, a self-righteous or hypocritical person.
PHARISEESPharisees n. Plural of Pharisee.
PHARISEE n. a hypocritically self-righteous person.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 22 words
  • Scrabble in French: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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