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There are 9 words beginning with PENTAM

PENTAMERIESPENTAMERY n. the condition of being pentamerous, having parts arranged in fives, also PENTAMERISM.
PENTAMERISMpentamerism n. Five-part radial symmetry.
PENTAMERISM n. the condition of being pentamerous, having parts arranged in fives, also PENTAMERY.
PENTAMERISMSPENTAMERISM n. the condition of being pentamerous, having parts arranged in fives, also PENTAMERY.
PENTAMEROUSpentamerous adj. (Botany) In five parts; made up of five parts.
PENTAMEROUS adj. having five parts or members.
PENTAMERYpentamery n. (Geometry) the condition of being pentameric.
PENTAMERY n. the condition of being pentamerous, having parts arranged in fives, also PENTAMERISM.
PENTAMETERpentameter n. (Poetry) A line in a poem having five metrical feet.
pentameter n. (Poetry) Poetic metre in which each line has five feet.
PENTAMETER n. a line of verse consisting of five metrical feet.
PENTAMETERSpentameters n. Plural of pentameter.
PENTAMETER n. a line of verse consisting of five metrical feet.
PENTAMIDINEpentamidine n. (Pharmacology) A synthetic antibiotic drug used chiefly in the form of its salt C23H36N4O10S2 especially…
PENTAMIDINE n. a drug used esp. to treat protozoal infections, such as leishmaniasis.
PENTAMIDINESpentamidines n. Plural of pentamidine.
PENTAMIDINE n. a drug used esp. to treat protozoal infections, such as leishmaniasis.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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