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There are 10 words beginning with PARASC

PARASCENDERparascender n. A person who takes part in parascending.
PARASCENDER n. a person who takes part in parascending.
PARASCENDERSparascenders n. Plural of parascender.
PARASCENDER n. a person who takes part in parascending.
PARASCENDINGparascending n. Parasailing.
PARASCENDING n. a sport similar to paragliding, the participant being towed into the wind behind a motor vehicle.
PARASCENDINGSPARASCENDING n. a sport similar to paragliding, the participant being towed into the wind behind a motor vehicle.
PARASCENIAparascenia n. Plural of parascenium.
PARASCENIUM n. in the Greek theatre, a wing, a side-scene.
PARASCENIUMparascenium n. (Historical) One of two apartments adjoining the ancient stage, probably used as dressing rooms.
PARASCENIUM n. in the Greek theatre, a wing, a side-scene.
PARASCEVEparasceve n. Alternative form of Parasceve.
Parasceve n. (Christianity) The day of preparation before the (Jewish) Sabbath; Friday.
PARASCEVE n. among the Jews, the evening before the Sabbath.
PARASCEVESparasceves n. Plural of parasceve.
Parasceves n. Plural of Parasceve.
PARASCEVE n. among the Jews, the evening before the Sabbath.
PARASCIENCEparascience n. Science that is non-mainstream or carried out in a subsidiary capacity.
PARASCIENCE n. the study of phenomena which cannot be investigated by rigorous traditional scientific method.
PARASCIENCESparasciences n. Plural of parascience.
PARASCIENCE n. the study of phenomena which cannot be investigated by rigorous traditional scientific method.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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