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There are 6 eleven-letter words beginning with PENETR

PENETRALIANpenetralian adj. Relating to the penetralia.
PENETRALIAN adj. relating to penetralia, the innermost or most private parts e.g. of a temple.
PENETRANCESpenetrances n. Plural of penetrance.
PENETRANCE n. the degree or frequency with which a gene manifests its effect.
PENETRATINGpenetrating adj. Able to pierce or penetrate.
penetrating adj. Demonstrating acute or keen understanding.
penetrating v. Present participle of penetrate.
PENETRATIONpenetration n. The act of penetrating something.
penetration n. Specifically, the insertion of the penis (or similar object) during sexual intercourse.
penetration n. The act of penetrating a given situation with the mind or faculties; perception, discernment.
PENETRATIVEpenetrative adj. That can or does physically penetrate something; piercing, penetrating.
penetrative adj. Displaying insight or discrimination; acute; penetrating.
penetrative adj. (Sports) That can penetrate opposition defences.
PENETRATORSpenetrators n. Plural of penetrator.
PENETRATOR n. something or someone that penetrates.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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