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There are 12 words beginning with PULSE

PULSEpulse n. (Physiology).
pulse n. (Figuratively) A beat or throb; also, a repeated sequence of such beats or throbs.
pulse n. (Figuratively) The focus of energy or vigour of an activity, place, or thing; also, the feeling of bustle…
PULSEBEATpulsebeat n. A continuous, regular rhythm; a pulse or heartbeat.
pulsebeat n. An intimation of an underlying sentiment etc.
PULSEBEAT n. the pulse.
PULSEBEATSpulsebeats n. Plural of pulsebeat.
PULSEBEAT n. the pulse.
PULSEDpulsed v. Simple past tense and past participle of pulse.
pulsed adj. Producing, or consisting of pulses (short bursts).
PULSE v. to expand and contract rhythmically, also PULSATE.
PULSEJETpulsejet n. (Aeronautics) a valved jet engine where combustion occurs in pulses, as used in the V-1 flying bomb.
pulse␣jet n. Alternative spelling of pulsejet.
PULSEJET n. in jet propulsion, an intermittent jet, also PULSOJET.
PULSEJETSpulsejets n. Plural of pulsejet.
pulse␣jets n. Plural of pulse jet.
PULSEJET n. in jet propulsion, an intermittent jet, also PULSOJET.
PULSELESSpulseless adj. (Medicine) Having no pulse.
PULSELESS adj. without a pulse.
PULSELESSNESSpulselessness n. Absence of a pulse.
PULSELESSNESS n. the state of being pulseless.
PULSELESSNESSESPULSELESSNESS n. the state of being pulseless.
PULSERpulser n. One who or that which pulses.
pulser n. A machine for generating a pulse.
PULSER n. a device that causes pulsations.
PULSERSpulsers n. Plural of pulser.
PULSER n. a device that causes pulsations.
PULSESpulses n. Plural of pulse.
pulses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of pulse.
PULSE v. to expand and contract rhythmically, also PULSATE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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