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There are 12 words beginning with PRURI

PRURIENCEprurience n. The quality of being prurient.
PRURIENCE n. the state of being prurient, also PRURIENCY.
PRURIENCESpruriences n. Plural of prurience.
PRURIENCE n. the state of being prurient, also PRURIENCY.
PRURIENCIESpruriencies n. Plural of pruriency.
PRURIENCY n. the state of being prurient, also PRURIENCE.
PRURIENCYpruriency n. Prurience.
PRURIENCY n. the state of being prurient, also PRURIENCE.
PRURIENTprurient adj. Uneasy with desire; itching; especially, having a lascivious anxiety or propensity; lustful.
prurient adj. Arousing or appealing to sexual desire.
prurient adj. Curious, especially inappropriately so.
PRURIENTLYpruriently adv. In a prurient manner.
PRURIENT adv. having lustful thoughts or desires.
PRURIGINOUSpruriginous adj. (Medicine) Tending to, or caused by, prurigo; affected by, or of the nature of, prurigo.
PRURIGINOUS adj. relating to prurigo.
PRURIGOprurigo n. (Medicine) A papular disease of the skin, with intense itching as the main symptom.
PRURIGO n. (Latin) a chronic skin condition characterized by itching and the presence of small pale pimples.
PRURIGOSprurigos n. Plural of prurigo.
PRURIGO n. (Latin) a chronic skin condition characterized by itching and the presence of small pale pimples.
PRURITICpruritic adj. (Medicine) Intensely itchy.
PRURITIC adj. of or like pruritus, itching of the skin.
PRURITUSpruritus n. (Medicine) severe itching, especially of undamaged skin; caused by allergy, infection, lymphoma etc.
PRURITUS n. (Latin) intense itching.
PRURITUSESprurituses n. Plural of pruritus.
PRURITUS n. (Latin) intense itching.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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