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There are 11 words beginning with PRONA

PRONAOIpronaoi n. Plural of pronaos.
PRONAOS n. (Greek) a vestibule in front of a temple.
PRONAOSpronaos n. (Architecture) The inner area of the portico of a Greek or Roman temple.
PRONAOS n. (Greek) a vestibule in front of a temple.
PRONATEpronate v. (Transitive, anatomy) To turn or rotate one’s hand and forearm so that the palm faces down if the forearm…
pronate v. (Transitive, anatomy) To twist the foot so that if walking the weight would be borne on the inner edge of the foot.
pronate v. (Intransitive, anatomy) To become pronated.
PRONATEDpronated adj. (Anatomy) Having one’s hand rotated so that the palm faces the same direction as the knob of the elbow.
pronated adj. (Anatomy) Having one’s foot twisted so that if walking, the weight would be borne on the inner edge of the foot.
pronated v. Simple past tense and past participle of pronate.
PRONATESpronates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of pronate.
PRONATE v. to turn the palm downward or backward.
PRONATORpronator n. (Anatomy) Any muscle that produces pronation.
PRONATOR n. a forearm or forelimb muscle.
PRONATINGpronating v. Present participle of pronate.
PRONATE v. to turn the palm downward or backward.
PRONATIONpronation n. Walking on the inner edge of the foot.
pronation n. (Anatomy) The action of rotating the forearm so that the palm of the hand is turned down or back.
pronation n. (Fencing) The position of the sword hand when the palm is facing down.
PRONATORSpronators n. Plural of pronator.
PRONATOR n. a forearm or forelimb muscle.
PRONATIONSpronations n. Plural of pronation.
PRONATION n. turning the hand and forearm so that palm faces downward.
PRONATORESpronatores n. Plural of pronator.
PRONATOR n. a forearm or forelimb muscle.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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