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There are 10 words beginning with PRETO

PRETOLDpretold v. Simple past tense and past participle of pretell.
PRETELL v. to tell beforehand.
PRETONICpretonic adj. That immediately precedes a stressed syllable.
PRETONIC adj. denoting the syllable before the one bearing the primary stress in a word.
PRETORpretor n. Alternative spelling of praetor.
PRETOR n. (Latin) an ancient Roman magistrate, also PRAETOR.
PRETORIALpretorial adj. Alternative form of praetorian.
PRETORIAL adj. relating to a pretor, a magistrate of ancient Rome, also PRAETORIAL.
PRETORIANpretorian adj. Alternative spelling of praetorian.
pretorian n. Alternative spelling of praetorian.
Pretorian adj. Alternative spelling of Praetorian.
PRETORIANSpretorians n. Plural of pretorian.
Pretorians n. Plural of Pretorian.
PRETORIAN n. a former praetor or man of equivalent rank, also PRAETORIAN.
PRETORSpretors n. Plural of pretor.
PRETOR n. (Latin) an ancient Roman magistrate, also PRAETOR.
PRETORSHIPpretorship n. Alternative form of praetorship.
PRETORSHIP n. the office of pretor, a magistrate of ancient Rome, also PRAETORSHIP.
PRETORSHIPSpretorships n. Plural of pretorship.
PRETORSHIP n. the office of pretor, a magistrate of ancient Rome, also PRAETORSHIP.
PRETOURNAMENTpretournament adj. Occurring before, or in preparation for, a tournament.
pretournament n. Alternative form of pre-tournament.
pre-tournament adj. Alternative form of pretournament.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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