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There are 14 words beginning with PONTO

PONTONponton n. Alternative form of pontoon.
Ponton prop.n. A surname.
PONTON n. a float, a bridge of boats, also PONTOON.
PONTONSpontons n. Plural of ponton.
Pontons prop.n. Plural of Ponton.
PONTON n. a float, a bridge of boats, also PONTOON.
PONTOONpontoon n. A flat-bottomed boat or other floating structure used as a buoyant support for a temporary bridge, dock…
pontoon n. (By extension) A bridge with floating supports.
pontoon n. A box used to raise a sunken vessel.
PONTOONSpontoons n. Plural of pontoon.
PONTOON v. to cross with a pontoon.
PONTONEERpontoneer n. Alternative form of pontooner.
PONTONEER n. a builder of pontoon bridges, also PONTONIER, PONTONNIER, PONTOONER.
PONTONIERpontonier n. Alternative form of pontooner.
PONTONIER n. a builder of pontoon bridges, also PONTONEER, PONTONNIER, PONTOONER.
PONTOONEDpontooned adj. Having a pontoon, or pontoons, attached to it.
pontooned v. Simple past tense and past participle of pontoon.
PONTOON v. to cross with a pontoon.
PONTOONERpontooner n. One who constructs a pontoon.
PONTOONER n. a builder of pontoon bridges, also PONTONEER, PONTONIER, PONTONNIER.
PONTONEERSpontoneers n. Plural of pontoneer.
PONTONEER n. a builder of pontoon bridges, also PONTONIER, PONTONNIER, PONTOONER.
PONTONIERSpontoniers n. Plural of pontonier.
PONTONIER n. a builder of pontoon bridges, also PONTONEER, PONTONNIER, PONTOONER.
PONTONNIERpontonnier n. Synonym of pontooner.
PONTONNIER n. a builder of pontoon bridges, also PONTONEER, PONTONIER, PONTOONER.
PONTOONERSpontooners n. Plural of pontooner.
PONTOONER n. a builder of pontoon bridges, also PONTONEER, PONTONIER, PONTONNIER.
PONTOONINGpontooning n. The art or process of constructing pontoon bridges.
PONTOON v. to cross with a pontoon.
PONTONNIERSpontonniers n. Plural of pontonnier.
PONTONNIER n. a builder of pontoon bridges, also PONTONEER, PONTONIER, PONTOONER.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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