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There are 15 words beginning with PLACI

PLACIDplacid adj. Calm and quiet; peaceful; tranquil.
PLACID adj. calm in nature.
PLACIDERplacider adj. Comparative form of placid: more placid.
PLACID adj. calm in nature.
PLACIDESTplacidest adj. Superlative form of placid: most placid.
PLACID adj. calm in nature.
PLACIDITIESplacidities n. Plural of placidity.
PLACIDITY n. the state of being placid.
PLACIDITYplacidity n. The state of being placid; peacefulness.
PLACIDITY n. the state of being placid.
PLACIDLYplacidly adv. In a placid manner.
PLACID adv. calm in nature.
PLACIDNESSplacidness n. The state or quality of being placid.
PLACIDNESS n. the state of being placid.
PLACIDNESSESPLACIDNESS n. the state of being placid.
PLACINGplacing v. Present participle of place.
placing n. The action by which something is placed; placement; positioning.
placing n. The condition of being placed.
PLACINGSplacings n. Plural of placing.
PLACING n. a position.
PLACITplacit n. (Obsolete) A decree or determination; a dictum.
PLACIT n. (Latin) a court ruling, also PLACITUM, PLACET.
PLACITAplacita n. Plural of placitum.
PLACITUM n. (Latin) a court ruling, also PLACET, PLACIT.
PLACITORYplacitory adj. (Obsolete, rare) Of or relating to legal pleas.
PLACITORY adj. of or pertaining to pleas or pleading, in courts of law.
PLACITSplacits n. Plural of placit.
PLACIT n. (Latin) a court ruling, also PLACITUM, PLACET.
PLACITUMplacitum n. (Historical) A public court or assembly in the Middle Ages, over which the sovereign presided when a…
placitum n. (UK, law, obsolete) A court, or cause in court.
placitum n. (Law) A plea; a pleading; a judicial proceeding; a suit.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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