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There are 10 nine-letter words beginning with PRESC

PRESCHOOLpreschool adj. Of or relating to the years of early childhood before attendance at primary school.
preschool n. A nursery school.
preschool v. (Transitive) To provide nursery school education for.
PRESCIENTprescient adj. Exhibiting or possessing prescience: having knowledge of, or seemingly able to correctly predict, events…
PRESCIENT adj. having foresight or knowledge of what will happen, also PRESCIOUS.
PRESCINDSprescinds v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of prescind.
PRESCIND v. to consider separately.
PRESCIOUSprescious adj. (Obsolete) foreknowing; prescient.
PRESCIOUS adj. prescient, also PRESCIENT.
PRESCOREDprescored v. Simple past tense and past participle of prescore.
PRESCORE v. to record the sound before filming.
PRESCORESprescores v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of prescore.
PRESCORE v. to record the sound before filming.
PRESCREENprescreen v. (Transitive) To screen in advance for potential problems.
prescreen n. A prescreening.
PRESCREEN v. to screen in advance.
PRESCRIBEprescribe v. (Medicine) To order (a drug or medical device) for use by a particular patient (under licensed authority).
prescribe v. To specify by writing as a required procedure or ritual; to lay down authoritatively as a guide, direction…
prescribe v. (Law) To develop or assert a right; to make a claim (by prescription).
PRESCRIPTprescript n. Something prescribed; a rule, regulation or dictate.
prescript n. (Obsolete) A medical prescription.
prescript adj. Directed; prescribed.
PRESCUTUMprescutum n. (Zoology) The first of the four pieces composing the dorsal part, or tergum, of a thoracic segment of an insect.
PRESCUTUM n. (Latin) in insects, a plate in front of the scutum.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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