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There are 8 nine-letter words beginning with PERIP

PERIPATUSperipatus n. (Zoology) Any onychophoran of the genus Peripatus.
Peripatus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Peripatidae – the onychophorans.
PERIPATUS n. a member of the genus Peripatus, having both arthropod and annelid characteristics.
PERIPETIAperipetia n. Alternative form of peripeteia.
PERIPETIA n. (Greek) a sudden and violent change in circumstances, esp. in drama, also PERIPETEIA, PERIPETY.
PERIPHERYperiphery n. The outside boundary, parts or surface of something.
periphery n. A first-rank administrative division of Greece, subdivided into provinces.
PERIPHERY n. a line or surface acting as a boundary.
PERIPLASMperiplasm n. (Cytology) The region between the plasma membrane and the outer membrane or cell wall.
PERIPLASM n. the region inside the wall of a biological cell.
PERIPLASTperiplast n. (Biology) periblast of algae.
periplast n. (Cytology) periplasm.
PERIPLAST n. an intercellular substance; the ectoplasm of flagellates.
PERIPROCTperiproct n. (Zoology) The region surrounding the anus, particularly in echinoderms.
PERIPROCT n. the region surrounding the anus, particularly of echinoderms.
PERIPTERSperipters n. Plural of peripter.
PERIPTER n. a structure with a row of columns around all sides.
PERIPTERYperiptery n. The region surrounding a moving body, such as the wing of a bird or a gliding aeroplane, within which…
periptery n. (Architecture) A building surrounded by a wing or row of columns.
PERIPTERY n. a peripteral building; the turbulent air around a flying object.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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