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There are 9 seven-letter words beginning with PROTE

PROTEANprotean adj. Exceedingly variable; readily assuming different shapes or forms.
protean adj. Alternative letter-case form of Protean (of or relating to Proteus).
protean n. (Biochemistry) A protein that has been slightly modified by water, dilute acid, or enzymes, but not…
PROTEASproteas n. Plural of protea.
Proteas prop.n. (Cricket) The South African cricket team.
PROTEA n. a plant of a large South African genus.
PROTECTprotect v. (Transitive, intransitive) To keep safe; to defend; to guard; to prevent harm coming to.
protect v. (Travel, aviation) To book a passenger on a later flight if there is a chance they will not be able…
PROTECT v. to shield from harm, attack or injury.
PROTEGEprotege n. Alternative form of protégé.
protegé n. Alternative spelling of protégé.
protégé n. A person who is guided and supported by an older and more experienced person (a protector or mentor).
PROTEIDproteid n. (Obsolete, biochemistry) A protein.
proteid adj. Of or pertaining to proteins.
proteid adj. Containing protein.
PROTEINprotein n. (Biochemistry, countable) Any of numerous large, complex naturally-produced molecules composed of one…
protein n. (Nutrition, uncountable) One of three major classes of food or source of food energy (4 kcal/gram) abundant…
protein n. (Nutrition, countable) A food rich in protein, often a meat or meat substitute.
PROTENDprotend v. (Obsolete, transitive) To hold out; to stretch forth.
PROTEND v. (archaic) to stretch forth, hold out.
PROTESTprotest v. (Intransitive) To make a strong objection.
protest v. (Transitive) To affirm (something).
protest v. (Transitive, chiefly North America) To object to.
PROTEUSproteus n. Any of many gram-negative bacteria, of the genus Proteus, several of which are responsible for human infections.
Proteus prop.n. (Greek mythology) A sea god who could change his shape at will.
Proteus prop.n. (Astronomy) The sixth satellite of the planet Neptune.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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