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There are 6 seven-letter words beginning with PONTI

PONTIESponties n. Plural of ponty.
PONTY n. an iron rod used in holding and manipulating glassware during manufacture, also PONTIE, PONTIL, PONTILE, PUNTEE, PUNTY.
PONTIFFpontiff n. (Historical, Ancient Rome) A member of the most illustrious of the colleges of priests of the Roman…
pontiff n. A bishop of the early Church; now specifically, the Pope.
pontiff n. (Figuratively) Any chief figure or leader of a religion.
PONTIFYpontify v. To pontificate.
PONTIFY v. to play the pontiff.
PONTILEpontile adj. (Anatomy) Of or relating to the pons.
PONTILE n. an iron rod used in holding and manipulating glassware during manufacture, also PONTIE, PONTIL, PONTY, PUNTEE, PUNTY.
PONTILSpontils n. Plural of pontil.
PONTIL n. an iron rod used in holding and manipulating glassware during manufacture, also PONTIE, PONTILE, PONTY, PUNTEE, PUNTY.
PONTINEpontine adj. (Neuroanatomy) Of or pertaining to the pons in the brain stem.
Pontine adj. Of or relating to an extensive marshy district between Rome and Naples.
Pontine adj. Pertaining to Ponza, an island in the Tyrrhenian Sea.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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