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There are 5 seven-letter words beginning with PLASM

PLASMASplasmas n. Plural of plasma.
PLASMA n. (Greek) the liquid part of the blood, also PLASM.
PLASMICplasmic adj. Of or pertaining to plasma.
PLASMIC adj. of or like a plasma, an ionized gas containing electrons and free positive ions, also PLASMATIC, PLASMATICAL.
PLASMIDplasmid n. (Cytology) A loop of double-stranded DNA that is separate from and replicates independently of the chromosomes…
PLASMID n. a hereditary structure of a cell.
PLASMINplasmin n. (Biochemistry) A proteolytic enzyme that dissolves the fibrin in blood clots.
PLASMIN n. a proteolytic enzyme that causes fibrinolysis in blood clots.
PLASMONplasmon n. (Genetics) All the genetic material in an organism.
plasmon n. (Physics, astronomy) The quantum of waves produced by the collective effects of large numbers of electrons…
PLASMON n. the total of the genetic material in a cell.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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