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There are 15 twelve-letter words beginning with PRESE

PRESELECTINGpreselecting v. Present participle of preselect.
PRESELECT v. to select in advance.
PRESELECTIONpreselection n. (Politics) The process by which a candidate for public office is selected, usually by a political party.
preselection n. (Chiefly sciences) Selection in advance.
preselection n. (Evolutionary theory) The preference for a mate found attractive by other members of one’s sex.
PRESELECTORSpreselectors n. Plural of preselector.
PRESELECTOR n. a component of a radio receiver, improving reception.
PRESENTATIONpresentation n. The act of presenting, or something presented.
presentation n. A dramatic performance.
presentation n. An award given to someone on a special occasion.
PRESENTATIVEpresentative adj. Presenting, or able to represent, an idea in the mind.
presentative adj. (Ecclesiastical law) Of a benefice, or the advowsons, tithes, etc., associated with a benefice: that…
presentative adj. (Grammar) Serving to present something, or draw it to the attention of the interlocutor.
PRESENTEEISMpresenteeism n. (Chiefly UK) The fact of being present at work, especially if one is too sick to be productive, or working…
PRESENTEEISM n. ostentatious attendance at work.
PRESENTENCEDPRESENTENCE v. to sentence in advance.
PRESENTENCESPRESENTENCE v. to sentence in advance.
PRESENTIALLYpresentially adv. In a presential manner.
PRESENTIAL adv. relating to or having actual presence.
PRESENTIMENTpresentiment n. A premonition; a feeling that something, often of undesirable nature, is going to happen.
PRESENTIMENT n. a feeling that something will or is about to happen.
PRESENTMENTSpresentments n. Plural of presentment.
PRESENTMENT n. a jury's statement to a court of matters within its knowledge.
PRESERVATIONpreservation n. The act of preserving; care to preserve; act of keeping from destruction, decay or any ill.
preservation n. The state of being preserved, how something has survived.
PRESERVATION n. the act of preserving.
PRESERVATIVEpreservative n. (Countable) Any agent, natural or artificial that acts to preserve, especially when added to food.
preservative adj. Tending to preserve.
PRESERVATIVE adj. serving to preserve.
PRESERVATORYpreservatory n. (Obsolete) A preservative.
preservatory n. (Obsolete) A room or apparatus in which perishable things can be preserved without decay.
preservatory adj. Preservative.
PRESERVICINGSorry, definition not available.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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