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List of 11-letter words beginning with

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There are 7 eleven-letter words beginning with POLAR

POLARIMETERpolarimeter n. An instrument used to measure the rotation of the plane of polarized light as it passes through a sample…
POLARIMETER n. an instrument for measuring polarised light.
POLARIMETRYpolarimetry n. (Physics) The measurement of the polarization of electromagnetic radiation.
polarimetry n. (Chemistry) Analysis using a polarimeter.
POLARIMETRY n. measurement by polarimeter.
POLARISABLEpolarisable adj. Alternative spelling of polarizable.
POLARISABLE adj. that can be polarised, also POLARIZABLE.
POLARISCOPEpolariscope n. A polarimeter.
POLARISCOPE n. an instrument for detecting polarized light.
POLARIZABLEpolarizable adj. Able to be polarized.
POLARIZABLE adj. that can be polarized, also POLARISABLE.
POLAROGRAMSpolarograms n. Plural of polarogram.
POLAROGRAM n. a picture taken by polarography.
POLAROGRAPHpolarograph n. (Chemistry) Any of several instruments used in polarography.
POLAROGRAPH n. an apparatus for automatic chemical analysis in which a sample solution is electrolysed at successively higher voltages and the resulting current plotted against voltage.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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